"Technology and the Road to Self-Improvement."

Gosline, Renée Richardson. Psychology Today, November 19, 2019.

"Can a Girl’s Best Friend Be Born in a Lab? The Role of Ritual in Production Process Conservatism."

Ha, Jae Kyung, Ezra W. Zuckerman Sivan, and Renée Richardson Gosline. In Advances in Group Processes, edited by Edward Lawler and S.R.Thye, 1-27. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited, 2018.

"TEDx Talk: "The Outsourced Mind"."

Gosline, Renée Richardson. TED, August 2017.

"From UX to CX: Rethinking the Digital User Experience as a Collaborative Exchange."

Renée Richardson Gosline, Akshita Deora Puram, and Didier Bonnet.

"The Power of Behavioral Science for Emerging Economies: MIT Explores Cuba and Trinidad & Tobago."

Gosline, Renée Richardson. HuffPost, February 9, 2017.

"The Power of Consumer Stories in Digital Marketing."

Gosline, Renée Richardson, Jeffrey K. Lee, and Glen Urban. MIT Sloan Management Review, 2017.

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